We often say that a team is more than the sum of its parts.. And why is that? Because when we manage to create synergy between the people that make up a group of beings, the result forms a team. Namely, a group of individuals working towards the same goal, leveraging efforts, generating shared learning and common good practices. In general, we all conceptually share the importance of achieving solid work teams, and the idea that without effective delegation by the owners and leaders of organizations, business growth would be stagnant; but, Why is it so difficult to achieve this in practice??

ago more than 14 For years we have been advising companies on their growth and development in Argentina and recently we have also focused on Argentine companies based in Miami., among other places. And we all agree that to scale and professionalize any company it is essential to implement tools and mechanisms
well oiled, even more so when the direction is carried out at a distance.

Anyway, It is very common to find the feeling of the owners of SMEs that "nobody does things the way I do them within the organization" or "it is easier for me to do the tasks directly than to teach someone else". Overcoming this individualistic trait is a great challenge. without a doubt, this truncates the possibility of achieving a gear that feeds back good results.

Of course, this need is accentuated when it comes to entrepreneurs who monitor their projects from a distance.. In this sense, then, the importance of an effective delegation of tasks and responsibilities in solid and reliable work teams is clear.. For this, it is essential to have a team of trained people to fulfill their functions.. Delegating does not mean detaching or disengaging, is to more effectively manage the entrepreneur's time, being able to allocate it to strategic functions and entrusting the operational tasks to the appropriate collaborators.

For the delegation to be successful, it is essential to have clear processes and monitoring tools that reflect representative parameters, measurable and actionable, and that allow control by objectives, and not for tasks. It is common to find entrepreneurs who, when asked "what is your sales objective?”, answer “sell as much as possible”. Given this type of response, in my mind I imagine a marathon runner starting from the starting point, without having a specific point of arrival, running "as much as possible"; how difficult would that situation be! The same is true within organizations.. Without clear objectives it becomes very difficult to achieve effective delegation.

Along with a clear definition of the objectives, it is essential to be able to monitor in a simple and efficient way the progress of the different sectors of the company, through adequate management control panels and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). These boards allow you to measure and visualize the key areas, evaluate situations and make quick and effective decisions in line with the defined objectives.

The role of the entrepreneur requires a constant rethinking of the way of carrying out the business, maintaining efficient organizations and motivated teams, prepared to face a constantly changing environment. "Distance" leadership brings with it some challenges, but it has already been shown that not being in the same geographical space is not an impediment to achieving committed teams that promote innovation in organizations.. It is important that the leader manages to generate a sense of belonging, and involve employees in the general objective of the company. Teamwork requires leadership to guide its operation, and it is important that the members have their space to express their ideas and make their contributions to the general project.

Efficiently leading work teams remotely is, without a doubt, a challenge that requires courage and confidence., but as Peter Drucker said “wherever you see a successful business, Has anyone ever made a brave decision?.

Por Sandra Felsenstein, director and founder of the consulting firm for SMEs DINKA.