Be aware of the role you want to take in this adventure and face your purpose with the right attitude.

Imagine that you are part of a play, visualize and answer: where are you in this play? Think and reflect on what role you occupy in your life or, more specifically, in your project.

We present some alternatives to analyze:

  • Hero: Are you central and essential in the work, actively participating, giving everything on stage? do you have an answer or a solution for everything?
  • Secondary: Are you the secondary character who lives the play but doesn't get involved?? Or do you feel that you are on stage, you live the work, but your results depend entirely on the decisions someone else makes for you?
  • Public: are you in the gallery watching the play from outside, without participating? Maybe you feel that this life you see belongs to another, with someone else's dreams and aspirations, and you find yourself living on autopilot as time passes.
  • Review: are you watching the play from the stands, issuing opinions and value judgments? If you judge every action you do and every step you take, you are limiting feeling, make a mistake and, definitely, to live.
  • Behind the scenes: are you backstage, getting ready?, are you ready but you never get to go on stage? Perhaps there is some insecurity that does not allow you to muster the courage to live your adventure.

Have you already identified which character you are within the work you are living?? Surely there are moments in your life when you have each of these roles and it is good that it is so, depending on the circumstances. You can also take this parallelism to the specific project you have in mind. Ask yourself:

  • Why do you think you take that role at this time?
  • Which one(s) do you identify with the most??
  • do you do it for insecurity, for fear of opinions, Why do you think they expect that from you?, to avoid making a mistake, to control?
  • And above all, back to the main question: so that? Because it depends on you what attitude you want to take towards the leadership of your life and your projects. The important thing here is that you define it and make it conscious. Let your role be your choice.

choice is everything

as we said, the context can often modify the type of role you take in the face of a challenge. Certain situations require you to have a more passive or more active role. But the important thing and what we propose to you today is that you choose that role you take and that it is not that you simply did not have another, that took you by surprise or that you did not dare. I know you can change, what can you choose. That is the key to achieve what you set out to do, to reach your purpose.

In certain situations, listen to yourself and realize that you can be the second in the act, because that situation can generate anguish or fear and you decide to reserve that energy for another time or leave the leading role to someone else. Or find you doing things, even if no one asked you, to show that image of the super powerful, and realizing that they weren't expecting that from you can be liberating. And so infinite possibilities that we can only change when we take charge of our purpose.

When to be a protagonist

Although we said that you do not always have to have the main role in every situation, yes you have to know that being the protagonist and exercising command of your own life is what allows you to know yourself, accept you, respect you, with the good and with the bad. It makes you a brave being so, from the authentic, from the depths, being able to make your own decisions. This, far from being able to change, learn and grow. It precisely leaves you in the exact place of self-knowledge to set off towards the path that you yourself choose and thus be able to change the character or the scene..

By accepting the leadership of your own life or of a specific project, you also become owner and responsible for your decisions and actions, you commit yourself and thus you really live what you want to live and you are happier. when you choose for yourself, you release that unique energy that you carry inside, you understand what you really want to do, what is your purpose, your impulses, and what is it that motivates you.

Then, the question appears: “¿qué obra de teatro quiero vivir?, how is it going?”. If you are not satisfied with the answers, It is a good time to understand that you are not only the protagonist, but also the director of the work, and you can, starting from the understanding of what you dislike, change with time, work and effort the course of that history, you for what.

can i switch roles?

We are social beings and self-esteem is formed over time from your own perception of your qualities, your relationship with the environment and with other people around you. the way to meet you, changing and self-improvement implies being aware, define, thank and drop labels to later be able to give space to new airs and new projects.

At the same time, your expectations and those that others have of yourself can both benefit you when they encourage you to improve and work against you if they bind you or limit your decisions and actions. When you are aware of what is expected of you, you can open a dialog and align them to avoid conflicts. Knowing you will help you get out of the role you always fall into by repetition.

Other times, the conflict can persist and it is at that moment that you should ask yourself: “¿de quién es la vida que estoy viviendo?”. Come back, So, to take the reins by understanding that it is your own life and you choose your own path, your own role, with love, awareness and commitment.

“when you choose for yourself, you release that unique energy that you carry inside, you understand what you really want to do, what is your purpose, your impulses, and what is it that motivates you”.

Due to DINKA’s intervention, again, Ask yourself:

  • With your actions and words, are you responding to your deepest desires??
  • Do you know how to listen to yourself in order to modify the role according to the situation in which you find yourself??

Si respondistea ambas preguntas, stay calm: that is to be the true protagonist of your life.

By Julieta Montaldo
Consultant at DINK