Faced with the question “what is it for you to be an entrepreneur??”, what would you answer? What do you consider having an entrepreneurial attitude?? Surely each of us would find a different answer. The entrepreneurial attitude is not necessarily associated with work ventures or profitable projects, sino que se trata de una forma de vida.

The path of the entrepreneur is full of unforeseen, we are not going to deny you, but, definitely, undertake, I mean, do, implies that desire exceeds comfort. It means having initiative., agility and willingness to take risks. It also involves working on some of these skills, that we were seeing and we summarize below:


Try to understand the feelings of the other, put yourself in his place. This is important for any personal project, but it is also key and widely used in the business world.


Don't confuse it with low self-esteem! Having humility is simply knowing your strengths and weaknesses and being sure of yourself, but without vanity. Developing this ability will make it easier for you to relate to other people in any field in which you find yourself. Successful Entrepreneurs Don't Brag, do. Only through our actions, and not our words, we show who we really are.


Entrepreneurs are often innovative. Curiosity is directly linked to the desire to know and constantly learn new things. And this penchant for novelty and for asking yourself repeated questions allows you to take steps forward and develop innovative ideas..


In whatever you undertake, both personally and professionally, you will have to risk, because it's the only way to grow. try new things, get out of your comfort zone, is to take risks. Of course, you have to analyze in depth the different scenarios and implement what is necessary to minimize the consequences. The real risk is not to fail, is not trying.


We already talked a lot about this, but it is key to develop an entrepreneurial attitude. Keep your desire to learn permanently activated!


The path of the entrepreneur is not easy, it's an obstacle course. Only through perseverance and resilience can you get up and come out stronger every time you have a setback, looking for new paths and opportunities. Learn from your mistakes: failure has its positive side. i tried again, this time, building on what you learned from your failed attempt.


The lack of confidence in yourself can make any attempt to undertake that you have in mind fail.. Therefore, if you are passionate about something, then work on your self-confidence and do it! move forward with optimism, not only for you, but to be able to excite and transmit your passion to those who accompany you. Pessimistic people tend to focus on problems and not on finding solutions. that way, moving forward with any objective is usually much more difficult.


Take responsibility for your own life! And this personal responsibility is going to translate into everything you do and everything you say.. be protagonist, be a leader of your own change, with all your values, hits and misses.

Put these skills into practice to bring out the entrepreneur in you. and remember, as Wayne Gretzky said: "It simply came to our notice then 100% Of the shots you don't fire". So get started, It's the moment.