what is the purpose

Each of us has a purpose, a for what. It is important to explore what moves us and act accordingly; behind everything we do, each activity or profession, find meaning that resonates with who we really are. Start by answering these questions:

  • What do you want to invest your time and energy in??
  • Why do you get up every morning?
  • what gives you pleasure?

It's good to think of purpose as a path. If every step we took in life was leaving a mark, then our purpose would indicate the North. that way, making decisions in life is easier because it involves understanding if each of the things you decide is related to your purpose or not. Your purpose doesn't have to be something grandiose, otherwise, Conversely, something achievable that guides and motivates you. For example, It is not necessary that your purpose is to end poverty and hunger in the world, but it could be to do your bit to help in this regard, doing little things like sponsoring a boy on his way to school or cooking food for a dining room. It is better to take small steps that are sustainable over time than to paralyze ourselves by setting very ambitious goals..

Because it is important

Because it's not the same as living, honor life“, sings the tango of Eladia Blázquez, and synthesizes very clearly the importance of having a purpose in our lives, whatever its size, importance or significance. In other words, it would be something like: let's enjoy life, what mark do we want to leave?, how do we want to be remembered? Because it is not the same to live and honor life. Honoring life is living it intensely and giving meaning to the things we do.

There are people who manage to align their daily activity with their life purpose, but, in many other cases, the job task is not what we want, although it can be complemented with other activities that fill our soul, to help us carve a footprint that we are proud of. They can be small actions, how to collaborate with a foundation, separate and recycle waste, grow your own food, rescuing animals from the street or any search that is related to your purpose. “Ask yourself if what you are doing today will bring you closer to where you want to be.“, Walt Disney said, and the phrase resounds in each line of this note.

How to discover yours

To discover your purpose, you have to connect with your essence first, with your bases, who are you with and what makes you good. But of course, It is not an easy task. There is a story that illustrates it well. It says there were two eagles chatting:

“–What is the destiny of the eagles?? -The realization, enjoy every moment of life. Be happy, reach the top of the mountain.

-Why are you here then?? Why don't we try to get to the top of the mountain?

I have never felt satisfied here. (…) but this situation gives security and with this I am satisfied”.

And then, in that story, one of the eagles finally gathers courage to pursue its purpose. try several times, analyzing different paths and alternatives, and start to climb the mountain. In the end, when it reaches the top, look down and remember many difficult times, but note also that I had always decided to move forward, outdoing herself. And the story goes on: “Then he went in search of the other eagle and told him what he had experienced.. Hearing what she told him, he asked: 'All that potential, that spirit of freedom and that security that you have, where do i find them?’. The Eagle, serene and sure of herself, I answer: 'INSIDE YOU, AMIGA, INSIDE YOU!’”.

Why do we tell you this story from the book The Search, by Alfonso Lara Castilla? Because defining your purpose sounds simple, but it is a challenge. The path that must be traveled to achieve it requires effort, will and commitment.

Keys to define your “SO THAT”

  • Identify the personal values ​​that define you. The ones that bring you closest to achieving your life purpose. Knowing what they are, you could observe if these values ​​are reflected in your daily task and include in your agenda those that you are not practicing. Specific, align your daily activity with your purpose. This search often requires enhancing certain skills, but, at the same time, also silence or mute certain others. we were not born “custom made” of our purpose, so it requires that we encourage ourselves to face the process and learn to grow with it.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. Don't think that they are more successful or that they earn more money or that they have their lives completely figured out.. The reality is that life is a constant learning and each one of us is going through his path and learning.. Our purpose in life is simply not found or discovered, but it is being built.
  • Allow yourself to try new things. Many people live dissatisfied and do nothing about it., complaining about his situation, without trying to modify what produces it. Looking for alternatives that we are interested in experiencing is the best way to take advantage of our free time and will expand the range of possibilities to incorporate into our life purpose.. develop curiosity. Research everything that catches your attention, get out of your comfort zone and open yourself to new possibilities, that you may never have thought of.

Will having a purpose make me happier??

The neuroscientist Facundo Manes affirms that, according to scientific studies, factors like money, luck, the image and the place of birth provide only the 10% of happiness. One 50% is associated with genetic predispositions and 40% rest is in our hands. The 40% it's a lot. Therefore, having a purpose can help us take advantage of the opportunities that come our way and see more clearly if what we do brings us closer to achieving our goals. As Robert Louis Stevenson puts it, “life is not always a matter of having good cards, but of playing a bad hand well”.

In first person

The 9 of January of 2006 I started my activities like so many others: resigned to losing 9 hours to do something you didn't enjoy. I listened to the clock tick and thought about everything that was happening “out of office”. She was already graduated as an engineer and worked in a renowned company, and, of course, giving up to jump into the abyss was ridiculous. But that day I got a call. They told me that my grandmother had been hospitalized again, and I asked permission to go visit her. my boss said no. Then, I got paralyzed: what price was she willing to pay for a life she didn't choose? Frené, I thought and made one of my most significant decisions: put what is really important above all else. I quit and went to visit her, I spent a beautiful afternoon with her and, the next day, passed away.

Since that day, My goal with each decision was to choose what I want to spend my time on.. I stopped being a spectator of my life to become a protagonist. I understood that the only person we are going to live with every day is ourselves. Therefore, today, every time i face some new challenge, I wonder if it will bring me closer to the place I want to go or if it is similar to the ticking of the office clock.

After discovering my purpose that day I quit my job, I also proposed to transmit that search for what. A) Yes, from the consultancy that I founded and directed for more than 10 6 years, DINKA, I help others to take a leap in their companies or ventures and to start their projects, to be possible, Before I get to a trigger that hurts, a limit situation as it happened to me.

Por Sandra Felsenstein
Founder and Director of DINKA