By Ing. Sandra Felsenstein, director of DINKA*

We often say that the team is more than the sum of its parts.. And why is that? Because when we manage to create synergy between the people that make up a group of beings, the result forms a team. Namely, a group of individuals working towards the same goal, leveraging efforts, generating shared learning and common good practices.
The value of teamwork has become increasingly important in recent years., in both large companies and small and medium-sized organizations. And this is what has generated many efforts and studies to understand how to make the most of the benefits of a work modality with these characteristics..

The globalization, that generates constant changes in global trends and increasingly faster and more sophisticated communications require that, All organizations are forced to be more efficient and optimize the quality of their products or services., in customer service, in your work processes to reduce costs, etc. In this way, There is no doubt that it is imperative to include technological advances in all activities to optimize processes and results., but no less important is to continue maintaining the focus on human resources that must be suitable, but also willing to implement new technologies and the changes that they bring..

One of the keys to achieving innovative companies, is to achieve heterogeneous work teams. In this sense, special attention is required on the members that compose them.. It must be borne in mind that a working group is made up of individuals with interests, values, different ideas and ways of communicating and also with different rhythms. These differences in other times could be perceived as possible generators of personal wear and tear., demotivation, low performance or high attrition, among others. However, Currently the opposite is interpreted, namely, These differences must be taken advantage of in pursuit of successful performance., since they are the ones that motivate the generation of new ideas and proposals; in other words, promote creativity. This will later allow them to interact in an aligned manner., focused towards the common goal.

North team

Every work team requires that the objectives be very clear and known in depth by all members., for which excellent internal communication is essential. Clarity and fluidity in the communication of the objectives to be met, the strategies to use, the progress and achievements that are being obtained, They are of immense value in sustaining team motivation. in addition, and also in order to maintain a sustained enthusiasm of its members, It is important to recognize the performance and achievements that are obtained, both individually and as a group in their joint action. This allows us to move away, to a greater or lesser extent from the old control processes “by tasks” to go to control “by objective”, which generates empowerment of collaborators towards the company, achieving greater commitment and consequently better results.

Although teamwork requires clearly present leadership to guide its operation, It is also of utmost importance that individual members have their space to express their ideas and personal suggestions and make their contributions to the general project.. This is the paradigm shift of “traditional chief” al “current leader”. In this way, a committed and permanently motivated team will be maintained..

These concepts are the ones that occupy a large part of the current agenda, not only from big businessmen, but it is also a general trend in SMEs, family businesses and even ventures and startups, with the clear conviction that these professionalization processes can significantly increase the results achieved.

* Comprehensive management and planning consultant for SMEs.

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