Now yes, It is time to activate that plan that you have been carburizing. We help you step by step.

How many times do you stay in the idea and you can not carry it out? Maybe you even start with full energy, but you are staying on the road because you don't have the tools to move forward. As we saw throughout these five chapters, the only one who can make the decision to make your dreams come true is you. You just have to make the decision and have the attitude to do it.. This is your chance to be the person you want to be, to contribute your grain of sand to build a better world and make your project a reality. But, to be able to advance steadily and not get lost along the way, it is important to organize. Through organization you can turn dreams into action, ideas in motion and objectives in results. That is why we share with you this process of organization and execution that has five stages to get down to work, whether you want to launch a product or service or have a personal project.

“Through organization you can turn dreams into action, ideas in motion and objectives in results”.

Define the purpose
You already did this in the second chapter. Every project has to have one. It will be your engine to pursue your dream, beyond the difficulties, there are going to be many, along the path.
Detect the problem, the opportunity and the solution
To identify the problem, empathy is essential. Focus on the person with the problem (what could be you), identify what you feel, how he thinks, what do you need. And now think about how to frame the problem so that it is neither very broad and difficult to solve nor so specific that it limits you from generating an innovative proposal.. From this problem you will be able to detect an opportunity for change, and, from there, you will be able to devise a solution. Many times the key to success is to focus on simple solutions, don't complicate things, it's practiced! In this search for the solution is where you have to get all your creativity potential that we already saw in this bookazine. Get out of your comfort zone and think of new alternatives or unforeseen paths.
set goals
The goals can be for you, for entrepreneurship, for the recipient, for suppliers or for partners. But it is important to define them and make sure they are smart goals., since they will guide you throughout the project so that you do not lose focus on what you want to achieve.

Analyze the context
Here you have to see what currently exists. This can be applied to attitudes and personal aptitudes, competence, market, etc. If it is a business, you have to know the alternatives on the market to identify how you can differentiate yourself, not just direct competition, but also how the problem is currently solved. What alternatives do recipients have to resolve it??
Know the recipients
Again, here empathy is everything! Put yourself in the other person's shoes to really understand what they need., what interests you, what mobilizes it. Really understanding their needs and motivations is that you will be able to offer them an innovative proposal that attracts them. (even when the recipient is yourself).

Until now, what we did was research and think about an opportunity. Now it's time to define the proposal, what we are going to do to solve the need or problem you identified. in a venture, this topic checklist is used a lot, but you can apply it to something more personal:
Value proposal
Make a detailed definition of the product or service that you are going to offer, with its characteristics, its benefits, its advantages over other proposals, etc.
Here I make a list of the resources needed to achieve it: materials, technology, production, etc. And also write down how you are going to obtain them, what supplier alternatives are there, with its advantages and disadvantages.
customer segment
Define who your project is aimed at, who will be the user. You can have more than one or be you.
Work team
Detail one by one what are the tasks to be carried out throughout the entire project and see how you can segment them to define roles. Here it is important that you do not fall into the temptation of wanting to cover all the tasks on your own because they will divert you from the management of the project and, in the case of being a business, will not allow you to grow. For this reason, it is very important to work with time in the effective delegation of tasks in a work team.. If you don't have a team, maybe there are things you can outsource or buy made.

Action plan
Define how you are going to execute your proposal. Set goals and set priorities. In a venture you have to define what your "MVP" will be (minimum viable product)”, namely, that first version of your proposal that will allow you to test and learn from your mistakes.
Business model
basically, would be to decide how you are going to generate income to be able to cover all the costs. You have to define what the sales channels are going to be and how you are going to deliver your product or service; among other points. The business model is dynamic, changeable, adapts to the market, which is going to undergo modifications. You can use the business model canvas tool, what we explain on the page 113.
Financial analysis
Do not be scared by this term if you are not a fan of numbers. But it is important to do this analysis before launching yourself with any project. To do it, there are two important parts to consider:
a.What income can I generate?
If your project is a business or if it requires raising funds, Calculate how many products you could sell. To make this estimate, keep in mind how many people you could reach and how many of them end up buying. Analyze different scenarios, one more conservative and the other more encouraging to consider both alternatives. What price would they be willing to pay?? What price is profitable for your business?
b.What costs will I have? There are direct costs, which are all those associated with the sale of the product or service, that have a direct relationship with sales. And there are indirect costs, What are the expenses that you will have even if you do not generate any sales?. They can be rent, Internet, services in general, etc.
You can apply the same to your personal environment., identify- do the income you generate or receive (salary or other) and the expenses that you currently have (Super, rental, expenses, and more), incorporating the costs of the project you have. For that you have to take into account what resources you are going to need and their costs to know if you are going to be able to face it with your current income or analyze when you could face it. For example, if you want to do a postgraduate, you have to consider not only the cost of the classes, but also the materials (books, biromes, Internet).

Define the right goals for any field, either in a company, a business or your personal life. The SMART technique is an acronym that refers to each of the characteristics that an objective must have:
S: specific (specific): It has to be concise and clear. There is no room for ambiguity.
M: measurable (measurable): It has to be something concrete that can be executed and measured in some way over time.
A: achievable (reachable): feasible to execute, realistic, not impossible.
R: relevant (results oriented): It must be aligned with the objectives and generate a result.
T: time bound (In a given time): It is important to define a deadline to be able to follow up. For example, instead of saying: “I want to promote my online store”, children: “I want to increase sales in the online store by a 10% next month". Or instead of proposing: “I want to develop my creativity”, children: “I am going to implement a creative process per month for the next three months”. These second examples are SMART objectives since they are specific ("increase sales"), medibes (“a 10%”) and in a certain time ("next month"). Additionally, are achievable and generate results aligned to your interests.

We have already seen in previous pages the importance of creating work routines. Discipline is what will allow you to advance in your project. But don't forget about agility, the fundamental factor to adapt to the new scenarios that you are going to face. You have to be attentive and alert to have the flexibility of change to pursue your dream.. Some keys at the time of implementation:

I chose the key indicators to do a weekly or monthly follow-up of your project. What are these “key indicators”? It is information that you can measure and that is relevant to your project: for example, if you created your YouTube channel, the number of views and followers is essential. O, if you are writing a book, can be the number of pages written per week. The important thing is that you see them periodically and compare their evolution.
constant evaluations
They are essential to adjust the action plan and even the business model. I'm sure you're going to be wrong, so its better to do it fast and adjust.
The key to failure or error is to keep trying, not giving up. Focusing on the "why" you can find different paths that lead you to where you want to go.

Now yes, We have already seen all the possible steps to organize and carry out your project. Waiting for the ideal moment to start can be the reason why you never get it done. The time to start is now: animate, equivocate, I learned, adjust and keep trying.

"Don't fall into the temptation of wanting to cover all the tasks on your own because they will divert you from the management of the project and, in the case of being a business, will not allow you to grow

tools to activate
PODCAST: Charo Vargas, boss of your life.
Jenna Kutcher, Goal Digger.
TED TALK: David Allen, Getting in control and creating space.
BOOK: Harry Altman, Agile project management.
MOVIE: Steve Jobs (Danny Boyle, 2015)

By Delfina Pérès Copello
Bachelor of Economics
Consultant at DINK