Have you ever thought about the difference between the verbs "teach" and "learn"?? "To teach" comes from the Latin in (on) and sign with (point towards) and learn", from to take hold of, What does "take by the senses" mean?, "acquire knowledge". Note that the first verb is passive and the second, active. However, if we take the educational model as an example, we can see that most public or private institutions continue to maintain the more passive learning model, with a teacher in the center of the class and several desks pointing towards him and the blackboard. This model focuses on responses, on memorizing or learning the content that is designated and not on what really matters, what are the questions. However, in big companies, those that stand out for being innovative and going one step further than the rest, like Google or Amazon, instead, it is common to find circular tables, with multidisciplinary teams that add value to a whole from their own area of ​​expertise. It is not about one person explaining to the rest what they have to do, but of many people nurturing each other, asking questions and learning from each other. And we don't even need to go to those business giants: during crises we often see businesses, professionals and entrepreneurs having to reconfigure, learning to learn a new business model with resounding transformations. Definitely, they have to give place to learning overcoming fears, prejudices, and make visible the inevitable and even necessary, to stop delaying it and survive. This is what we propose in this chapter: that you take charge of what you want to learn and that you are not afraid to acquire new knowledge in times of great change.

“To be a leader of your own learning, the first thing is to decide what you want to learn, and remember that the key is not in the answer but in the question: ask yourself questions before you start”.

Orientals appeal to the concept "crisis = opportunity" and, Without a doubt, there is a parallel in this case: crises imply great changes that leave us with great learning at all levels. AND, as for the change, Mariano Sigman, neuroscience expert, says that we all have an extraordinary ability to cope, What is often lacking is the motivation to give it a place. We have also heard him say that everything we learn we can teach to others. when one teaches, go learn twice, rearranges the knowledge in his head and finishes incorporating it. Another concept that helps us as a great source of learning is networking., to learn from the other. Because meeting different people and opening up to other opinions and cultures is going further, a more than perfect complement for everything learned. So find your network, feed her and nurture her, so you will learn something new every day.

Let's start the great path of being a leader of your own learning, to take that active and not passive role. The first thing is to decide what you want to learn, and remember that the key is not in the answer but in the question: ask yourself questions before you start. A) Yes, you can visualize yourself in a laboratory, consulting different bibliographies first, authors that are of interest to you, starting to hypothesize, collecting data, analyzing, validating, confirming what has been learned or reworking what is necessary. Pablo Picasso said: "I'm always doing what I can't do so I can learn how to do it". When you understand that learning is hand in hand with "doing", you become a maker of learning, the focus is there. Then, if you manage to jump the barrier to go from being "taught" to becoming an apprentice, you will find that life always brings you new learning and there is a great value of the human being: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”. He said Mahatma Gandhi.

In all areas there are those in love with learning and others who want to go more concrete, monetize every minute invested, get it right and see fast results. If you feel identified with this second profile, it is important that you bet on agility, a super current concept that is here to stay. An agile culture is considered one that has adopted an approach that tolerates failure and is willing to try new and adaptive hypotheses and ideas.. See if these are not elementary conditions to face projects. Later, in the last chapter, let's delve into the agile method, but for now we leave you a concept of Melina Jajamovich, writer and expert on the subject, that speaks of agility as a method to work (and live) in these times: embracing change and uncertainty. She stresses the importance of experimenting, even if there is no money, group in which to do a test or too long. The main thing is that learning prevails: I came out of the box, equivocate, make a mistake quickly, equivocate barato. I learned now”, dice. And we couldn't agree more.

    the American apprenticeship system mentions as key skills to stand out:
    review: allows you to analyze, compare and filter information and develop your own thinking.
    communication: analyze and process the immense amount of information you receive and, at the same time, communicate it clearly and effectively to the other.
    collaboration: due to globalization and the use of technology, it becomes vital that you work together to achieve a greater goal with valuable results.
    creativity: in this changing world, innovation and creative spirit are skills that cannot be lacking.

By Julieta Montaldo
Degree in administration
Consultant at DINK