If the consumer is the most important, how to get there cannot be a stroke of luck left to chance. Defining it and thinking about where to find it is the starting and finishing point of every business.. What the specialists say. Some experiences that gave good results.

Although the saying warns, A common mistake of businessmen is to cover too much and end up pressing too little.. In the desire to grow in sales, They launch massive actions to attract customers, but, Do you know who are those who are going to come back and recommend the product or service?? According to experts, This is a point that is not always thought of strategically and is crucial. “When you ask what target they are targeting, Many times they fall into the temptation of opening too wide a range.. However, covering the entire market generally means neglecting it”, explica Sandra Felsenstein, Director of Dinka.
Defining the potential client is setting the direction of the firm, and it serves not only to know who to address, but also how and by what channel. For Luciana Paulise, director of Biztorming Consulting and Training, The simplest recipe to do this is to imagine what type of person would consume the product or service and who could access it.. “Once we know who we must influence, You have to ask yourself what that person is like.. How much better do we know her?, the more possibilities we have to offer you products and services you want (and can) comprar, and more possibility of increasing the company's income”, dice.
The channel through which the client will be reached will depend on their profile, but, para rock stone, direct ones tend to be more effective and efficient. “They generate better results at lower costs”, manifests. (keep going)
– Column – Who is your potential customer and how to reach them?
The 5 more frequent
A review of the most common mistakes when thinking about how to find and reach potential clients in the voice of Sandra Felsenstein, Director of the DINKA consultancy.
1- wait for it to come: It is common for businessmen to have a passive attitude and wait for the client to come looking for them.. You must have an active commercial strategy to go out and look for them..
2- Not generating empathy with him: Empathy is a key tool that many business owners forget or do not take into account when approaching a potential client.. It often happens that business owners communicate what is important to them without really understanding where “the customer's shoe is tight.”. Demonstrating that you really understand the potential client's problems is key.
3- Purely technical descriptions: Many entrepreneurs fall into the temptation of describing the product or service offered from a technical point of view., without highlighting the benefits and added value of what you want to offer.
4- Not adapting communication according to the interlocutor: If you have different customer segments, it is essential to adapt communication in each case.. Overinformation can also become counterproductive and confusing..
5- Not having a sales team: many times entrepreneurs lack commercial teams or are poorly motivated. It is essential to have solid teams, with established objectives that allow the business to leverage.

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