Let's do it
Today's society is hungry for ideas that cause a remarkable impact. The great challenge is to put that thought into practice.. how to achieve it?
You always have ideas. All the time. But how is it possible to make them come true?? Although some of those dreams are plausible, sometimes it's hard to get them right. The defects are small or huge, but maybe, analyzing them in depth, can be seen from another perspective and be resolved.
Engineer Sandra Felsenstein shares the keys to bringing a venture to fruition: “I always recommend paying attention to the first steps, to try to increase the probability of success. It is essential to analyze both the viability of our project and make an economic forecast, given that, probably, positive results are not obtained immediately. It's more, as well as how much to invest, we must estimate how we will solve the negative periods”.
Desde su experiencia como directora de Dinka, una consultora dedicada al asesoramiento integral de pymes –ya sea en el inicio de los proyectos, como en su crecimiento, desarrollo y profesionalización–, Felsenstein considera que debe hacerse un estudio exhaustivo: this is, sondear el mercado y conocer en profundidad los gustos, el comportamiento y las preferencias de los potenciales clientes. “Lo que hay que intentar es ‘meterse en la mente’ del público al que nos dirigimos. A strategy and a business plan must also be drawn up, and establish a clear differentiation of the product or service that we are going to offer, whether in terms of design, to the form of distribution or after-sales service”, enumera Felsenstein.
"We must try to 'get into the mind' of the public we are addressing, draw up a commercial plan and differentiate the product”. Sandra Felsenstein
For your part, Cecilia Moloto, director of women who undertake, a community that provides online training to help those who want to cheer up and live from what they are passionate about, offers his gaze: "First of all, you have to put the idea on paper: if we can explain it in two lines, it means we are on the right track. Another aspect that we must take into account is the competition.: what they sell and how they do it. from it, we will be able to determine what our added value is, why will they bet on us and not on the one in front”.
In the technological age, everything that refers to choosing and managing communication channels takes on a major role. Diffusion is a sine qua non. One of the most favorable media for those who are starting is Facebook. “Sponsored ads are a great ally when developing a dissemination strategy due to their low cost and easy configuration”, limits Moloto.
To read and cheer up
Beyond the Idea is a book written by Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble.. Govindarajan was born in India and is an expert and world leader in strategy. Forbes magazine included him in the list of the five most admired executive coaches on the planet., and The London Times considers him one of the most respected management thinkers. By your side, Trimble works at the famous Tuck School of Business, belonging to Dartmouth College. The book talks about the details and the questions that can shake the desire of what you want to build. And they reflect on what arises from the birth of an idea: What must be considered, who to turn to and how to manage time.
“You have to put the idea on paper.: if we can explain it in two lines it means that we are on the right track. Other aspect: investigate the competition” Cecilia Motolo
Creativity and heart versus obstacles
Although it is not inherent to all human beings, creativity is a plus, an accomplice like few others for the metamorphosis of the idea. In his book Empowering Creativity, which is part of the Tools for 21st Century Leaders collection, Clemencia González Silveyra stresses that, through this, See the world from a different perspective, hidden patterns are discovered, connections are made between apparently unrelated phenomena and solutions are also found.
According to the specialist in neuroscience and neurogames, it is crucial to put “in motion” what we imagine: “Creativity involves going through two processes. The first is to think + produce: if we have an idea, but we don't turn it into action, we could define ourselves as imaginative, but not as creative. Why? Because being creative is creating and creating is doing. The second process is to innovate, which is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product or service that creates value”.
Of course, as the process gets under way, the inevitable inconveniences can arise. About them, Felsenstein detalla: “We can list the lack of experience, market ignorance, lack of a strong team, lack of capital to invest, little training in any of the areas or lack of the indicated contacts. in addition, there are context factors, among which we can mention: tax burden, lack of financing, unfavorable foreign policies and regulations. Another obstacle that appears sooner or later is fear., that can paralyze us. Therefore, the more prepared we are, we will have more tools to combat it”.
In the present, whether in the field of education or even in management, emotions take over. The field of entrepreneurship is no exception. Motolo is clear and forceful: “Something very common is the lack of self-confidence. This is vital because if you don't believe in your own project, why would your potential customers? The shortage of people interested in the products or services offered is another point that can make a dent in our will. Social networks are very useful to mitigate this shortcoming”.
“Creativity involves going through two processes. The first is to think + produce. The second is innovation., create value”. Clemencia Silveyra Gonzalez
Constancy, perseverance and open-mindedness to assimilate mistakes. Being the owner of an idea entails certain inescapable characteristics, inalienable. "Dedication, tenacity, empathy – extends the Felsenstein list. And continue–: To be a successful entrepreneur it is essential to have a lot of conviction. The ventures that work are those led by people who are highly motivated and passionate about what they do.. This way they can transmit the same to their work team. Motivating others without someone to motivate us is a challenge that must be taken on”.
Finally, there are two relevant items that should not be left out. On the one hand, the innovative spirit. Once the idea is applied, the flame must be lit so that it does not go out. Regarding it, Felsenstein opina: “You always have to listen. I like the following sentence: 'Nothing I'm going to say today is going to teach me anything. Therefore, if i want to learn something, I have to listen'. This famous sentence expresses one of the main messages that must be recorded in the head”.
Secondly, the need to achieve heterogeneous teams emerges. For this it will be necessary to select individuals with interests, ways of communicating and uneven rhythms. and although before, the differences could be perceived as possible generators of personal exhaustion, demotivation, low performance or high attrition, today the opposite is interpreted: differences can be exploited for optimal performance, enriching.
“Let us not forget the ability to observe. Aligned to the concepts that are being poured, being able to attend thoroughly fosters the birth of new ideas. This goes hand in hand with a tireless pursuit of learning, What does it mean to attend courses?, seminars, conferences, or the follow-up of referents through social networks”, añade Felsenstein. Motolo agrees and concludes: “We have to predispose ourselves to absorb all the information that surrounds us. The entrepreneurial spirit and the possibility of having an innovative idea is promoted when we nurture ourselves from the space we inhabit. Inspiration can be found at fairs, talks and even YouTube videos, but, above all, being in contact with those who travel our same path”.